Smart Textiles

Smart textiles are textiles that have been embedded with sensors, actuators, or other electronic components. These components can be used to collect data about the wearer, such as their heart rate, body temperature, or movement. The data can then be used to provide feedback to the wearer, or to control other devices.

Smart textiles are still in their early stages of development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with our clothes and the world around us. They could be used to improve our safety, health, and fitness, provide us with personalized information, or even make our clothes more comfortable and stylish.

Active ApplicationsĀ to Watch

Emotional Clothing
This type of clothing uses sensors to detect the wearer’s emotions and then changes color or texture accordingly – designed to help people communicate their emotions more effectively or to provide feedback on their emotional state.

Self-Heating Clothing
This type of clothing uses sensors to detect the wearer’s body temperature and then activates heating elements to keep the wearer warm – designed to keep people warm in cold weather or to help people with temperature regulation problems.

Self-Cooling Clothing
This type of clothing uses sensors to detect the wearer’s body temperature and then activates cooling elements to keep the wearer cool – designed to keep people cool in hot weather or to help people with temperature regulation problems.

Intelligent Fabric
This type of fabric is made from materials that can change their properties in response to certain stimuli, such as changes in temperature or light – designed to create fabrics that are more comfortable, durable, or even self-cleaning.

Interactive Clothing
This type of clothing uses sensors and actuators to interact with the wearer or the environment – designed to create clothing that can be controlled by gestures or that can respond to changes in the environment.