Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG)

rPPG is a technique used to measure heart rate and other physiological data by analyzing the changes in light reflected from the skin. It is a non-contact method that can be used to measure heart rate in people of all ages and health conditions.

rPPG works by using a camera to capture images of the skin. The camera captures the changes in light reflected from the skin as the heart beats. These changes are caused by the blood volume in the skin. The changes in light are then analyzed to calculate the heart rate.

rPPG is a relatively new technology, but it has been shown to be accurate and reliable. It has been used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Healthcare – used to monitor patients’ heart rate and other physiological data. This data can be used to assess the patient’s health and to detect any problems.
  • Sports – used to track athletes’ heart rate and other physiological data. This data can be used to optimize training and performance.
  • Sleep Research – used to track sleep patterns and to assess sleep quality.
  • Stress Monitoring – used to track stress levels and to assess the impact of stress on health.



  • Non-contact – rPPG is a non-contact method, which means it does not require any physical contact with the skin. This makes it ideal for use in healthcare settings, where patients may have sensitive skin.
  • Reliable – rPPG has been shown to be reliable in a variety of settings. It has been used to monitor patients’ heart rate in hospitals and clinics, and it has also been used to track athletes’ heart rate during training.
  • Cost-effective – rPPG is a cost-effective method of measuring heart rate. It does not require any expensive equipment, and it can be used with a variety of cameras.



  • Accuracy – The accuracy of rPPG can be affected by a number of factors, such as the quality of the camera and the lighting conditions.
  • Interference – rPPG can be affected by interference from other sources of light, such as fluorescent lights or sunlight.
  • Motion Artifacts – rPPG can be affected by motion artifacts, such as shaking or blinking.


Overall, rPPG is a promising new technology with a wide range of potential applications. It is a non-contact, reliable, and cost-effective method of measuring heart rate. As the technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative and exciting applications.